Some top industry advice from those in the know and on the ground across some of our different departments.


“Don't be too hard on yourself, animation takes time to learn, and even after almost 20 years I am still learning every day. Read animation books, watch demos, and dont be afraid to reach out and ask professionals for advice. Enjoy the lifelong journey of becoming an animator.” Bader, Animation Supervisor

"This profession is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding ones, after the significant effort it takes to learn the art. My advice: remember, it’s always worth the initial effort and uncertainty for what comes afterwards." Alberto, Senior Animator

“Use your time in University wisely, cherish this time to learn, draw and experiment. Practice every day and master proportions.” 
Yannic, Concept Artist

"Keep a positive and engaged mindset. See feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than 'just criticism'. Don't be afraid to show work in progress. Practice, practice, practice."
Jon, Head of Art

“Be willing to work hard, work experience, internships or starting as a runner is a great first step. Listen to people, be patient and take plenty of notes.” 
Laura, Producer

"Don't be afraid to talk to new people and ask questions - now is the best time as people will want to help you and you can use this chance to deep dive into the 'why's' of your work as this as well as a mindset of long term efficiency and showing your motivation to grow will carry your career far."  Johanna, Producer

“Don’t hold yourself back from what you want to do, but don’t expect someone to offer you the opportunity. You have to go after it”.  Marion, Producer

“Look around, experiment, be curious. There is a lot of free software available, familiarise yourself with modelling but also draw a lot from imagination and real life.” 
Stevie, Environment Artist

“Practice every day, stay focussed, lots of time and dedication will make you a great artist in the end.” 
Carlo, Character Artist

“If you ever get stuck, reaffirm your assumptions and clearly state what the problem is out loud, sometimes coming away from the scenarios and talking someone else through it can often lead to new insights and solutions.” 
Matt, R&D Project Manager